Exam 3 Notes

Notes from after class Tuesday the 12th.
Topics that will be on the test:
*DNA replication-chp.11
*Gene Expression- chp. 12
*Translation and Transcription- chp.12
*Protein Structures/functions- chp.6, 12, others
——Will include things from lab that had to do with these topics (PCR which is DNA replication, Isolation of DNA (no brainer, DNA is in cells so you can get DNA out of cells))

Possible Questions;
Q: Similarites between eukaryotic and bacterial DNA replication?
A.) Doubled stranded DNA must be denatured (unzipped) before it can be replicated. -YES
B.) DNA is supercoiled and must be locally unwound before replication can begin. - YES
C.) There is a single origin of replication on the bacterial genome. -NO
D.) DNA polymerase moves in 5' prime to 3' prime direction in eukaryotes. -YES
E.) Telomeres shorten with each round of DNA replication in eukaryotes. -NO
(Stratagies: if I cross out this word and replace it with the other word is this statement still true)

Prolem sets: implications of problem solving we do in class
*Know mutations; missense, nonsense, silent and frameshift
*There will be a transcribe, transcript problem!! TATA box, couldn't start before blah blah
*Essay question if someone can come up with a good one.
*Summerizing an abstract-EASY!
*NO MORE PROBABILITY TILL FINAL EXAM! DNA replication is the only thing coming from previous exams.

Rate: 1base/10,000,000,000 bases copied
Organism: 10,000,000 bases in genome
Organism starts as single cell, replicates 100x, btw fertilization and adulthood
Q: are there any mutant cells in this organism and how many if so?
A: most likely yes, duh! that many rounds of replication and no mutant cells, not likely? How many- # of times bases have been copied=# of rounds of replication x # of rounds of replication=100000000 (mulitply by spontaneous mutation rate) x 1/10,000,000,000 (SORRY IF THIS IS CONFUSING SHE WAS KINDA ALL OVER THE PLACE WHILE EXPLAINING THIS) Answer is: 1/10 of a mutation in every round-so therefore no mutations which makes the first question no or very unlikely.
Basically you multiply the number of bases in the genome by how many times it was replicated btw fertilization and adulthood. Then you multiply that number by the mutation rate, the resulting number is your answer!

thanks for putting this up.

thank you!!!


Is anyone willing to post today's review session, too? Please!

Yes, and maybe from yesterday? I had class so I wasn't able to make it.

Oops, sorry I didn't read. This is from yesterday. Thank you!

Coloring Question!

This is awesome thank you! and does anybody know what she meant when she said " the coloring a test tube question will be on the test" ?

The last example we went over in class today was a coloring test tube question. If a reaction occurs, the tube turns cloudy.

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